
Site operator within the meaning of § 5 TMG

Wissinger Schriften & Design
Lombacher Straße 57
72293 Glatten

Phone: 07443 91 288

Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law:

Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Thomas Wissinger
(address as above)

Information on online dispute resolution:
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR).
You can find this platform under the following link:
Consumers can use this platform to resolve their disputes arising from online contracts.

Copyright and photo credits:
The contents of are – unless otherwise stated – protected by copyright.
Photographs used are marked with picture credits where applicable or listed below, unless they were taken by us.
The use of photographs on third-party sites is only possible within the scope of the respective license of the author.

@ Wissinger Schriften & Design
@ Max Günter